Saturday, June 25, 2011

Being a Wellbeing

It is so simple to be healthy. You don’t have to do anything really. Just let your body does whatever it need do, that is it. But we are so use to do things with control. We have to check it befor train our brain to do something every single time.

We are depending on it very much. What about the true feelings. I am not talking about motions by the way. Feeling is by itself an art. Let’s say you want to feel your body what we do? Oh yes we find wrong things right away, because we are feeling our body through our mind.

                                                         What is mind really?

If you ask me that question I will say it is an organizer with all that instructions in it. It is an Organic computer. When you put the data in it, it gives you structure of everything you want. Puts in very beautiful box and it gives to your hands.

True feeling is by itself vibration; when you really feel there is no judgment could be present, no manipulation can occur. All your bodies all your cells are vibrate with joy. Emotions give you a very pretty thinking pattern. Feeling gives you a joy.

Many times we talk about love…

Yes, love is a feeling may be but when we put that love in a limited mind computer box, we give up our feeling abilities. We give up our vibration. We give up our radiation. For example; if we see a beautiful, colorful flower on way home and we look at flower yes we see the flower with our eyes and probably we say that; “it is beautiful flower with a lot of colors”

Feeling the colors on the flowers, feeling the aroma in it and felling the persuasion just being a flower it is own bigness. Conscious feeling will occur in very time. You cannot even describe it at all because the mind does not have that vocabulary in it. You want to create new words in that time. You became a speechless. This is a good thing because if you stop talking short time of period you start to feel and expend and express yourself grandly with your heart. It is call connecting with yourself new way.

If you connect with your body with that way I am not saying it is easy, I am saying it is so simple. But when you master that connection it will affect every part of your body itself and you will come to point it is relieving. You don’t have to spent time judgment or misunderstanding, manipulation…

When I went to my own conscious feeling space I invent that speaking and chanting and singing thing I really don’t know what it is but I like to share with you with all my true feeling.

Enjoy it

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Rescuing the person who is drowning in the sea, before you need to be sure of yourself is safe.
Drowning person's state of panic, you have to wait to turn into serenity, this person acts in a panic he get tired.
 Wait! It can be difficult to watch. This is for you two not drown. Only then you can help him. Just as in daily life. Human living is in panic, actually.
Aid is not a sure future. Seek help from running for dear life hoping to live here and there. You might learn to look at the big picture; we realize that we do not need help. In fact everything is within us to save ourselves in this difficult situation.
They say, "Why babies do not come with operating manual." Of course, comes with user manual. But we'll look everywhere except the baby. We, as beings capable of feeling, we are afraid of using this ability.
 Because, use of this ability, means to be visible to others. No matter what we're in daily life. If the "ability to feel" not in the foreground extraction. Fatigue? Just like people who drowned in a panic Our souls, waiting to help us. Spirit, allow you to panic the way we feel tired. Serenity is waiting for waking up with you every step.